wellcome // bienvenu // hola // olá

wellcome // bienvenu // hola // olá

we are more – act for culture in Europe

I'm very happy with your arrival! this virtual place is focused on the (so called) feminin and masculin voice's", by the Art's approach, and it is not a diary-blog. I wish you enjoy with pleasure and comments :-)
Je suis enchantée de votre visite! Remarquez que ce blog (n'est pas un blog-périodique), est construit autour des (désignés comme) voix et regards au féminin et au masculin à travers les contributions de l'Art. Il ne me reste que vous désirer deux toutes petites choses: qu'ayez plaisir ici et... qu'il soit partagé=comenté:-) avec moi.

!Hola! !estoy encantada con tu visita! mira una cosilla: este blog no es de edición diária ?vale?. Es un blog centrado en las (designadas como) voces y miradas en el femenino (y en el masculino), segundo las aportaciones de L'Arte. Mis votos de que disfrutes por acá y... de que puedas compartir conmigo ese placer :-).

musical's wellcomings / les bienvenues musicales / las bienvenidas musicales

Send me your sounds

23 April 2007

WACK!ART and THE FEMINIST REVOLUTION, March 4 - July 16, 2007 - The Museum of Contemporary Art, The Geffen Contemporary, L.A.

«Public + Artist Project
By Suzanne Lacy

The Public + Artist Project invites artists to enhance and deepen visitor experience in conjunction with an exhibition.

Throughout WACK! Art and the Feminist Revolution, exhibition artist Suzanne Lacy is creating a Public + Artist Project that builds on the feminist art legacy of activism around women’s issues and fostering communication between women to improve their social conditions. The project is built on the feminist art premise that the private lives of women had formerly unrecognized public consequence, an idea that remains current.

Stories of Work and Survival involves the recreation of Lacy’s historic performances while presenting a contemporary look at experiences of survival, resilience, and hope of fifteen diverse groups of Los Angeles working women. Leaders of these groups, drawn from different work environments and neighborhoods are participating in a Women’s Leadership through Art seminar by Dr. Janna Shadduck-Hernandez of UCLA’s Center for Labor.

Over the course of six days in April, meetings of these groups will take place here in the reading room of MOCA’s Geffen Contemporary. Questions pursued include: “What challenges your survival or ability to thrive?” “How can making personal stories publicly known serve to empower those telling them?”

Museum visitors are encouraged to witness these conversations as group members will be available after each for informal conversation.

Beginning May 5, the actual recorded conversations will be available to museum visitors in the Reading Room.

On Saturday, June 16, the performance concludes with a massive dinner outside MOCA’s Geffen Contemporary Museum, where over 350 project participants, students, and organizers will meet to celebrate.

Keep checking back for updates on Stories of Work and Survival, or email
education@moca.org for more information.»

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eme Loves SorrisosPerfeitos

eme Loves SorrisosPerfeitos
porque saben lo que hacen